Sunday, August 31, 2008


There are many definitions for this word on the internet, but the one I liked best is:

"arousing to a particular emotion or action"

Today I had to say a sad goodbye to my mom, Milan's Grandma. She was here for 2 weeks following his birth. I still remember calling her at 8am on Sunday August 17th to let her know I was having contractions. I didn't expect her to walk through the door of my hospital room less than 2 hours after our son was born, but she did.

I know there are a lot of different situations for new moms in the world. Some women have a baby and are sent home only to have their husbands or partners have to return to work the very next day. Some women don't even have husbands or partners, let alone a support system. Talk about nerve racking! I don't think I could've done it alone. My situation is a fortunate one. I have an amazing support system - one that every new mom would envy. I have a loving husband, a very close relationship with loving in-laws and I was blessed with an incredible mother.

She stayed with us for 2 weeks and helped build my confidence as a new mother. She was there when I was crying from fatigue, frustration, snarking through raging post-partum hormones, burping the baby when no one else could get a burp out of him, and changing diapers as though they were as fun as going on an afternoon shopping spree.

I realized today that she has provided me with a very clear picture of the mom I can aspire to be. The way she is with her little grandson is the most endearing image ever to be seen. Whispering sweet nothings in his ear, dropping soft kisses all over his angelic face, and such confidence and ease that only experience can bring. I could have very well been watching her hold me as an infant 28 years ago. How lucky I was to be held and loved and to call her by the name Mom. I was so fortunate and didn't even know it then. It took me a long time into adulthood to fully understand what a blessing she was and still is - and here I got to witness it, with the exception of it being my child, her grandson instead of me all those years ago. The special magic touch of a mother is still within her.

I told her today that I love her. And that I didn't know who or where I would be without her. It's all I could say to thank her for years of selflessness and a mothering that compares to none.

Thank you Mom, for inspiring me to be great at something that really counts - being a Mom.

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