Saturday, August 9, 2008

Milan's Due date has arrived... He has not.

Well today is Milan's due date. Actually it has been something of a moving target between today, August 9, 2008 and August 11, 2008. Who's to know? The midwife has flip flopped between these two dates a few times. We've just been going with the 9th. It is 10:16pm and it seems that August 9th 2008 is going to pass us quietly, uneventfully.

Last night Sasha's parents came over for supper and we watched the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. I was feeling so uncomfortable that I was certain Milan would come last night. Little Milan seemed very happy to kick me senseless for hours! After 4 potty breaks throughout the night to relieve an uncomfortable bladder, I accepted that I would wake up pregnant again this morning.

Waking up this morning, still larger than life, I thought to myself, "What's a girl to do on her due date?". I felt SO normal. SO regular. SO far away from being in labour and giving birth! (I still do as I sit here and type this...) Shouldn't I be feeling something impending creeping up on me? Should I be feeling funny? Having a weird twitch? C'mon!!! Give me something--Anything for gosh sakes that is a sign!

So I did what any normal and rational pregnant woman does on her due date, while clearly not in labour. I went out for lunch with the girls and then to see the new Batman movie for the second time. lol.

Looking back, there were 3 eventful things that happened to me today. The first was at the restaurant, the manager asked me how much longer I have to go and when I replied I was due today, his eyes almost bugged out. The next was at the movie theater, when using the automated movie-ticket dispensing machine, I accidentally bought a senior citizen ticket and got away with it. And finally, during the movie I removed the only pair of stretched out shoes that still fit me. At the end of the movie, I couldn't put the right shoe on. Yes, that's how gloriously swollen my feet were.

I'd say I've had a very complete day- almost. One tiny little detail still missing. Oh Milan, my little dictator... when will you decided the time is right? I guess only you know.

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