Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bad morning.

Well, every Mom has a story or two. I'd like to begin by saying how truly blessed Sasha and I have been with such an amazing child. He is a GOOD baby! Great personality, not very high maintenance, everything a first time parent could possibly ask for. Before you read on, please don't think I am complaining or feel like I'm hard-done-by, because I'm not. I know it.

Perhaps this is why I feel as though we've hit a rough patch. As I have previously mentioned, Milan is teething. He got his first two teeth at the tender age of 3 months and 21 days, and he pushed through a third tooth, (the front top tooth) about a week ago.
For the most part, Milan has been a hero dealing with the inconvenience of having a tooth jut out of the flesh in his mouth, however we have seen a bit of a change in the past week or two.

8 hours of whining.

Yes, you heard me. When he is not sleeping or eating, he has been a very hard camper to entertain. I also know that there are people reading this and thinking, "Good, now she really knows what it's like to be a parent!". I only say this because I've had more than a few comments like this, "You are so lucky!", "You have such a good baby!", "Is he always this good?", "Doesn't he cry or fuss?" and so on...

Imagine me standing in my pyjamas at 5:30pm (no, I haven't changed out of them yet), my frazzled, dirty hair in a messy ponytail (Milan is also in hair yanking mode - I have a lovely thinning patch at the nape of my neck to prove it) standing almost in the doorway with a crazed look in my eye, holding the King out to my loving husband. What a beautiful image. Gimme a kiss honey.

Yeah right.

Anyhow, giving you a bit of the history of the past week or so, let's move on to this morning. Up early at 6:50am, we drove Daddy to work, came home and sat down in our high chair for breakfast. Yummy.

All of a sudden, I hear our fuzzy cuddle-whore of a cat gagging and yakking in the background. Milan is fussing and border-line crying, and I am frantically scanning the room searching for the barf-machine (our cat), who I see has placed herself on the carpet, right in front of the couch.

What do I do? Think quick, think quick.... I grab her in her state of convulsion thinking, "All I need to do is get her on the lino kitchen floor only a mere 2 feet away and we're home free. Barf away".

All over the couch. And carpet. And then more on the kitchen floor. Geez, this cat can really heave!

It's only 8:50am. Are you kidding me??? Gorgeous!!! Wonderful!!! Okay, happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

Where is that phone number for the carpet, upholstery cleaning service? Right, threw it away last week.

I proceed to clean the mess as best as I can. Does anyone know what gritty cat puke under your finger nails feels like? No? That's a shame.

I will have to leave off here as it's almost time for round two of scrubbing... Cross your fingers the couch doesn't end up curb-side by mid morning.... Oh, and have a great day!

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