Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So Darn Cute!

Seven months have gone by since Milan was born and it's already difficult to remember what we did before he arrived. How did we fill the days? Who and what, (other than each other) made us smile and laugh so much? What the heck did we do with all that free time? Were our lives not bleak and grey? Was is not a dreary existence? An exaggeration, perhaps, but the love, joy and happiness that fills our lives each day in comparable to nothing.
Today was a big day for the little stinker. After his early morning nap, mommy went into his room to get him as she could hear him talking and making noise in his crib. What did she find when she walked into his room? King Milan had pulled himself up in his crib and was kneeling in an upright position clinging for dear life to the railing. He was smiling ear-to-ear and looked quite proud of himself. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT????? Mommy was talking to Grandma Flo at the time and we'll just say there was quite a few joyous screams followed by lots of exclamation points.
Here he is with Deda (grampa)Janko, who gets to see lil' mister on an (almost) daily basis. We shout "DEDA!!!" each time we see him and Milan always busts out the smiles for him.
We are equally blessed with a good eater. If we don't have a full spoon in his mouth in a timely fashion, he begins to whine and cry with displeasure. He may also get snarky by the fact that daddy occasionally misses his mouth and hits his (insert facial feature here) ........
Last Friday March 20th, it was Daddy's 34th birthday. Mommy planned a big celebration at the house for him and it was decided that Milan was now old enough to go and sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's house overnight. What a hero! He didn't so much a shed one single tear! He ate, pooped, played and slept like the champion that he is. The next morning, Mommy was rushing to get over there to pick him up, anticipating a huge smile and shrieks of joy. Unfortunately all we got were some blank stares of uncertainty. Talk about heart breaker. :-( He was far too content in the arms of the Herakovic elders.
Grandma Flo mentioned awhile back that the day would come when Milan would love to play in the Tupperware cupboard. Well the day arrived today. (Hey - I said today was a big day, didn't I?) After we picked Daddy up from work, we zipped home and Mommy started supper. Instead of playing with toys, we tried something new. The above photo is pretty self explanatory. He really enjoyed himself! Alas, the new found Tupperware bliss was cut short when he got over excited and tipped backwards and lightly bonked his noggen. He's a trooper though and he pulled through just fine. Not a tear was shed!
On another note, we wish on a daily basis we could invent some sort of device to count the number of kisses this kid receives everyday. It would probably be close to a thousand or better.
Anyhow, thanks for stopping by--We send you off with many warm Spring Blessings!
The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.
~Bern Williams

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